Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Free Indeed Freedom

“To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. . . Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.  Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever.  So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.’"

John 8:31‑32, 34-36 (NIV)


Food is a BLESSING from the Lord, but for a variety of reasons it is being misused and abused resulting in a national epidemic of “lifestyle” diseases.  Furthermore, a hurting world is reaching out to find ways to fill emotional hunger and anesthetize pain.  Many of us allow food to take an inappropriate role when we use it as a substitute for our relationship with other people and/or God.  Millions have developed an emotional or addictive relationship with food.  The lack of God in peoples’ lives has left a void which cannot be filled no matter how much sex, alcohol, drugs or food is used (it is interesting that at the same time as God was kicked out of America the obesity rate went up).  The Church may be at particular risk for the consequences of food abuse because Christians believe that promiscuous sex, alcohol and drug abuse are sinful and grievous offenses.  However, legitimate needs go unmet and people often turn to the “legitimate” comfort of food.  Meanwhile, a national obsession with food, body image, diets, and an epidemic of eating disorders are robbing our nation of its physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

There is also a lot of misinformation in nutrition and weight-loss, often from self-proclaimed “experts”.  People need clarity in an area that has become confused with opinions, half‑truths, and contradictions.  God's way is Perfect and it is only by receiving and being obedient to His truth that we can attain complete Healing and live His best plan for our lives.  My prayer is that while I share from my professional and personal experience that the Holy Spirit will speak to the issues with which each reader may be dealing.  I have been free from the bondages of food abuse, diets and preoccupation with body image for over 30 years.  I define freedom as the ability to grieve the real pain of life without the aid of food.  I am the most amazed person on earth that I actually forget to eat even in response to deep pain whereas previously it had unyielding power over my life.  Anorexia, bulimia, and compulsive overeating are the extreme manifestations of a growing epidemic of eating disorders, and there are an immeasurable number of people struggling with bondages to food, body image and emotional eating in-between those extremes.  My heart goes out to the women, men and children who struggle with food addictions, emotional eating, and eating disorders, as well as to a Church burdened with disease due to out-of-balance eating behaviors.  I want to share what God has done for me, and for others, and what He can do for you.  My intention is to share my professional and personal experience, and Scripture, to bring light into this area of nutrition, health and the food/dieting struggle many believers are engaged in.

 The “free indeed” freedom that Jesus offers is not about dieting to get free of overeating and overweight.  Diets don’t work--the reasons why will be the topic of future blog posts.  Diets substitute one form of bondage (to food) with another (to diets).  “Free indeed” freedom is about Healing from underlying pain that often drives food addiction.  Jesus actually ransomed us—bought us—out of the slave market of sin and death to free us, His Sacrifice given for us to be Forgiven by God.  Jesus became the prisoner so that we might become free.  Free indeed freedom because His work on the Cross was not lacking.


Dear Lord, Your Word provides everything we need to live a godly life and is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.  May your Word lead us step by step out of bondage to freedom.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



N.E.W. LIFE (Nutrition, Exercise, Wellness for LIFE): Biblical Support for Health and Freedom from Bondage to Food and Diets

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